It is a literary work based on the analysis of verifiable events, which may well be recorded in detail, from which we take the condemned ideas to organize a brief overview of said event. It is a literary work to which the literary rules of scientific rigor must be applied.
‘‘Statement by the Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing, Leilani Farha, during the Interactive Dialogue at the Human Rights Council’’
By George Montero
I think that United Nations’ housing program is a fenomenal tool, on the
benefit of the lowest social economic level of the societies around the world.
It is really good for all over the world societies, specially those who have a
deeper level of pooverty inside their communities.
Governments around the world must encourage their housing program laws
in order to contribute much more to their people housing rights, as a
fundamental basis of their well living. As Leilani Farha said: ‘‘The obligations of States in relation to
the financial sector have often been ignored or interpreted too narrowly. The
assumption, bolstered by neo-liberalism, that States should simply allow
markets to work according to their own rules, subject only to the requirement
that private actors “do no harm” and avoid explicit violations of human rights,
is simply not sufficient to meet States’ obligation to fulfil the right to
adequate housing “by all appropriate means, including legislative measures.” Therefore is crucial that governments take a remarkable place on
the rol of dignification of the people in their countries. Many governments
around the world do not endure their social responsabilities on the way to
combat the homelessness. Beside, their countries laws aim to protect investors
more than protect people. Their accomplishment with their people is not enough
as well as it must be. Therefore, many times their laws enforcement permit to
the investors, lead the process of housing on the way of their own convenience.
On the other hand, housing investors will never concern about people. People are no
their resposability but their business. In addition, they are not the housing
law regulators, but the regulated by the housing laws. Despite in many
countries as the United Stated, the government assumes a high level of
resposability on the homelessness, it is not a real solution to the great
housing problem. It is necesary that encrease the channels of supervision. It
is also necesary that encrease the accountability of the housing program.
Furthermore, it is much more necesary to create collective consciousness, in
order to accomplish to each investor in the way of make a better country by the
construction of equality.
Pooverty is encreasing each single day because of the capitalists
inequity. There is a deeper level of pooverty inside almost at all countries
around all over the world. Their people can not afford the most signficant
property, as is a house. The housing right is the most important one in the
life of an individual. Therefore, government must do not forget that they are the
resposible to make the difference between homelessness and dignification .
Other rights are of course also very important and they are linked to the
housing right, likewise sanitation, feeding, water access, education, and communication.
Governments have the obligation to provide to each single person the access of
all those issues before mentioned. It is a matter of each government.
As an example of I said before, I
want to tell you about my country housing program. I am from Dominican
Republic. Here we can account with two way that our government usually help
people to get better housing opportunities. One of them is the National Housing
Institute ,or Instituto Nacional de la Vivienda (INVI) in spanich. This is the
government institution that built houses por people that can not afford any
one. They have been built thousand of familly living unit, but there was not
been enough yet. There are also another open housing program. It is called The
First House Bond, or (El Bono para la adquisision de la Primera Vivienda), in
spanish. It is a kind of benefit available for each person who wants to
buy his or her first house. It was been
neither enough, because houses are very expensive here.
My conclusion is that we all need to be conscious about these issues. We should be concerned about them. We have to act consequently by taking place on the reinforcement of our countries housing laws and its application. Equity and people’s dignification should be the first step in all our single movements. We have to awake up. It is necesary that the most insignificant action we think it is, knowing that each single sand account on the porpuse. Finally, I encourage people all over the world to try to educate, specially on the way of our human rights, focuse on the foundamental rights. It is the way we can make the difference. For sure!
Hello 👋
ResponderEliminarVideo 5. is interesting because it talks about an extremely important topic: media literacy. This, without a doubt, is characterized by creating, understanding, analyzing and reading with a written language. I recommend watching the video, since it is a pretty good topic and a lot of learning. I would like to highlight that I personally would have liked the topic of media literacy to be developed more in video 5.