English traduction
By George
Yes, it is not an invention, it is totally true that the place where we operate define the type of success we will achieve. And I will not be tragic. Look at my language.
Think about the
neighborhood where we were born, the people we grew up with (contemporaries and
everyone else), our first mentors are our parents, and then the most
respectable and prosperous people there.
How they did it?
For us, the
conventional has not worked, because that is what they did (it has already been
done, it does not create any impact) but that is not the issue.
Now let's focus on the subject.
In short, the
medium gives us all the logical opportunities it has, no more.
What kind of
opportunities does your community offer you?
How many
opportunities does it offer you?
You are already falling, right?
That is the objective, to get you out of the shadows to the light, that you go yourself finding the way.
Ok, to be more
specific. Your community can't help you much to be successful for two main
reasons: Your community's resources are very limited, and the forms have
already been applied by someone else. So the new (actually the same thing
offered by a new provider) may appeal to a few but in the end, most including
experience, or you just don't want to take chances trying new options. And so
the need arises to search for innovative and forward-looking alternatives to
get advance and progress. All this leads us to the need to acquire new elements
and resources that are the bases for the success of your project. Influence is
one of the foundations, to reach the economic resources that will makes work
your idea. Those influences must be well connected people in the upper echelons
and in the phenomena or elements that they need to carry out their project.
Let's imagine that
your company will be dedicated to selling some type of non-conventional
consumer products. You will need to connect with suppliers who trust your
ability to manage credit, for example. Maybe you will have space problems for
the storage and handling of your supplies. Then you will have to connect with
people who provide channels to resolve that issue. So you must ask yourself if
you could achieve these relationships in the community where you were born,
raised and educated. Of course not. You need to get out of the shell, out of
your comfort zone, and go where those who possess those aforementioned
abilities meet. It won't be an easy task fitting in there, for many reasons.
Surely your little income is the leverage of your project and you will not want
to spend it in expensive places. So you have to prove how innovative and
effective your ideas are for the business you want to start, because you will
invest what little economic capital you have in knowing the people who will
listen to your ideas carefully and then believe enough to risk more than money
on them. They will also risk their confidence. They will trust you, your
ability to manage your project and they will also make their peers believe and
support you, investing in you and your ideas, just as they will. All this will cause
your associates to raise all kinds of criticism about you and your elitist
behavior. But of course you will not listen to them, because you will be in the
future, the one that connects them or their children, with the right people so
that they can make their dreams come true. And so, you will become, not only a
great businessman, you will also be a great manager of solutions to third
parties, and that will lead you to become the leader that everyone dreams being.
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