I am George D. Moontero M. I am an educator with 15 years of experience, and I am looking for new opportunities in the field. I am a committed, trustworthy, and cooperative professional. First, I recieved a diploma on Network Marketing, Leadership, and Electoral Campaigns at UNPHU University in 2016. Also, I developed a Network Workshop at COPPPAL sede in Santo Domingo DR in 2018. Additionally, I trained many polititian groups in San Salvador, El Salvador in 2018. Finally, I developed many Leadership and Network Marketing workshops in Santo Domingo Dominican Republic in 2018-2020. I am skilled in Leadership, Network Marketing, Electoral Campaigns, The Correct use of Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc...), and English Advanced.
La Fundación por el Rescate del Talento Juvenil (FURETAJU) realizo el pasado 19 de Abril, la conferencia ''Emprendamos Juntos'', actividad que busca impulsar el emprendurismo en la Republica Dominicana, la cual se llevó a cabo en la biblioteca Central Pedro Mir de la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo.
LEARNING ENGLISH & HOW TO DEAL WITH LITERACY MEDIA AT A TIME This is a videos serie from COURSERA. It is an online platform supported by The Department of State of United States of America, beside the University of Pennsylvania, and other universities. MEDIA LITERACY UNIT 1 VIDEO 1 MEDIA LITERACY UNIT 1 VIDEO 2 MEDIA LITERACY UNIT 1 VIDEO 3 Listening: Interview with William Cowen... MEDIA LITERACY UNIT 1 VIDEO 4 MEDIA LITERACY UNIT 1 VIDEO 5 MEDIA LITERACY UNIT 1 VIDEO 6 MEDIA LITERACY UNIT 1 VIDEO 7 MEDIA LITERACY UNIT 1 VIDEO 8
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