WARTIME SPEECH By Sir Winston Churchill.
BBC London, 19 May 1940.
A George D. Montero M. brief analyze.
(Traducido más abajo).
Prime Minister in 1940, important voice during World War II.
Writer, author of four volumen historical work on his ancester, the first Duke of Marlborough, six volumen historic entitle: "The Second World War" 1948-1954) and "A History of the English Speaking People" in 1958. He was awarded the Nobel Price for Literature in 1853.

Winston Churchill's words, according with "Wartime Speech," cannot stir many listeners nowadays, because we are not in wartime. Although, he was a magnific writers and a formidable speakerman.
He reported that Germany's forces had been penetrated on France's territory debastating all around their track. It was so because the country was not defended at any point at this time. Also, he spoke about the great Germany's power, by their armored tanks and air bombs. In addition, he said that he Royal Air Force were assisting France's army in order to defend the country against germans. Furthermore, he described the inminent danger that France's and Royal's armies were facing against Germans troops, but if their armies will fight with such obstination and endurement, the scene could change. Winston Churchill was preparing the listeners because they got the missions of win the battle and the war too, to maintain the freedom around the world. Even though, he spoke in an efussive tone, in order to encourage all the listeners, for instance:
"Side by side, unaided except by their kith and kin in the great
Dominions and by the wide Empires which rest beneath their shield-side by side,
the British and French peoples have advanced to rescue not only Europe but
mankind from the foulest and most soul-destroying tyranny which has ever
darkened and stained the pages of history. "

Finally, nowaday, many politicians speak like wise did Winston Churchill, because they need captiving many people attention, to guide them into the election day and get their votes. By conclude, captiving people minds, guide, and encourege them, in any situation, is very important to posses a great speech managing way, of course, it is also very important to do a very good transmisio of the speech, taking in account the way people can understaind and accept it.
Is it much more than
speaking beautiful!
Por Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
BBC London, 19 de mayo de 1940
(Un breve análisis de George D. Montero M.)
Primer Ministro en 1940, voz importante durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Primer Ministro en 1940, voz importante durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Escritor, autor
de cuatro volúmenes de trabajos históricos sobre su antepasado, ‘el primer duque de Marlborough’, seis
volúmenes de títulos históricos: "La
Segunda Guerra Mundial" 1948-1954) y "Una historia del pueblo de
habla inglesa" en 1958. Fue galardonado con el Premio Nobel de
Literatura en 1853.
Las palabras de
Winston Churchill, de acuerdo con "Wartime
Speech", no pueden conmover a muchos oyentes hoy en día, porque no
estamos en tiempos de guerra. Aunque, él era un escritor magnífico y un orador
Informó que las
fuerzas de Alemania habían sido penetradas en el territorio de Francia,
desestabilizando todo a su paso. Fue así porque el país no estaba defendido en
ningún flanco en este momento. Además, habló sobre el gran poder de Alemania,
por sus tanques blindados y bombas aéreas. También, dijo que la Royal Air Force estaba ayudando al
ejército de Francia para defender el país contra los alemanes. En adición, describió
el peligro inminente que enfrentaban los ejércitos de Francia y la Royal Army contra las tropas alemanas,
pero si sus ejércitos lucharían con tanta obstinación y perseverancia, la
escena podría cambiar. Winston Churchill estaba preparando a los oyentes porque
obtuvieron las misiones de ganar la batalla y la guerra también, para mantener
la libertad en todo el mundo. Sin embargo, habló en un tono efusivo, para
alentar a todos los oyentes, por ejemplo:
"Lado a lado, sin ayuda, excepto por sus
parientes y amigos en los grandes Dominios y por los amplios imperios que
descansan debajo de su escudo al lado. Por otro lado, los pueblos británico y
francés han avanzado para rescatar no solo a Europa sino a la humanidad de la
tiranía más terrible y destructora de almas que jamás haya oscurecido y
manchado las páginas de la historia ".
Finalmente, hoy
en día, muchos políticos hablan como lo hizo Sir Winston Churchill, porque
necesitan captar la atención de muchas personas, guiarlos al día de las
elecciones y obtener sus votos. En conclusión, para capturar las mentes de las
personas y guiarlas en cualquier situación, es muy necesario poseer un excelente
manejo del discurso. Por supuesto, también es muy importante hacer una muy
buena transmisión del mensaje, teniendo en cuenta la forma en que la gente puede
entenderlo y aceptarlo.
¡Es mucho más que hablar bonito!
We can see how Winston Churchill is a good person in the word, this helps a lot in difficult times, such as in time of war. Here we see the importance of clearly speaking a message, so that it can be understood and accepted. I am Juan Sanchez
ResponderEliminarWinston Churchill was a man who helped inspire others that they could win the war, through good words. I am Juan Sanchez
When there is good communication through clear and precise language, you can conquer many nations and especially the minds of the people. I am Juan Sanchez
ResponderEliminarhe was a magnificent writer and a formidable speaker Reported that the forces of Germany had been penetrated Finally, today, many politicians speak as Sir Winston Churchill did, because they need to capture the attention of many people, guide them to Election Day and get your votes.
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Eliminarmy opinion on this is that we should help others and if we have any information we must give it to the best of our ability because the message can be misunderstood and it can cause any altercation against the person who is giving the message we must learn to give messages well understood in order to have a better understanding
ResponderEliminarThis article is very interesting about this great writer and politician Churchill, in my opinion many politicians should learn from him, as far as addressing the people and that in a speech the most important thing is not to speak well but to offer a real solution. Alba Moquete