
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2020


GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP ALL THE ELEMENTS OF NATURE WILL BE PART OF OUR DREAMS AND PROJECTS TO BE REALIZED . Do you have dozens of unfinished, saved and non continued projects like me? This article is for you! I had the audacity to share my first projects with people from whom I expected words of encouragement, but instead, all of them agreed that I had to focus on just one until I finished it, and at that rate none would ever end. What if I tell you that now a day I have dozens of unfinished projects, what would you think? They would probably think the same as you do now, while you are reading this article. But the reality is that all projects have two very important factors in common: economic resources and human resources. (These two terms are very broad). We will never be successful in any project if we lack those two resources. but, not only on them all projects depend. There are some where we will need many other resources, such as stones, wat...

Emprendimiento Global

EMPRENDIMIENTO GLOBAL TODOS LOS ELEMENTOS DE LA NATURALEZA SERÁN PARTE DE NUESTROS SUEÑOS Y PROYECTOS A REALIZAR. ¿Tienes igual que yo decenas de proyectos sin finalizar, guardados y sin continuación? ! Este artículo es para ti! Tuve la osadía de compartir mis primeros proyectos con personas de las que esperaba palabras de aliento, pero cambio, todas coincidieron en que yo tenia que enfocarme en uno hasta terminarlo y que a ese ritmo nunca finalizaría ninguno. ¿Y si les dijera que ahora tengo decenas de proyectos inconclusos, que pensarían? Probablemente pensaría igual que ustedes ahora, al leer este artículo. Pero la realidad es que todos los proyectos tienen dos importantísimos factores en común: recursos económicos y recursos humanos. (Esto dos términos son muy amplios). Jamás vamos a tener éxito en ningún proyecto si nos faltan estos dos recursos. Ahora bién, no sólo de ellos dependen todos los proyectos. Hay algunos en los que necesitaremos muchos otros recur...


WARTIME SPEECH  By Sir Winston Churchill. (1874-1965) BBC London, 19 May 1940. A George D. Montero M. brief analyze. (Traducido  m ás  abajo). Prime Minister in 1940, important voice during World War II. Writer, author of four volumen historical work on his ancester, the first Duke of Marlborough, six volumen historic entitle: "The Second World War" 1948-1954) and "A History of the English Speaking People" in 1958. He was awarded the Nobel Price for Literature in 1853. Winston Churchill's words, according with "Wartime Speech," cannot stir many listeners nowadays, because we are not in wartime. Although, he was a magnific writers and a formidable speakerman. He reported that Germany's forces had been penetrated on France's territory debastating all around their track. It was so because the country was not defended at any point at this time. Also, he spoke about the great Germany's power, by their armored tanks and air bomb...